Wednesday, December 27, 2006

History of Lions Club of Colombo Millennium Leo

Leo Lions Club of Colombo Millennium is the first Leo Lions Club in Sri Lanka District 306 C2. This Club was inaugurated on 21st October 2006 and extended by Lions Club of Thalapathpitiya. Past Leo District President and the Leo of the Year International Gold Medal Winner Leo-Lion Sinnathamby Vijayapala is the Charter President and 32 Leos inducted as Lion members to serve the needy people via Lions Club of Colombo Millennium, Leo. In the history of Lions District 306 C2, 32 Leos inducted as Lions in first time and it’s a record in the District 306 C2 that the highest number of members inducted as Lions and all the members were former & present Leos. These Leo Lion members are representing the whole community of Sri Lanka such as Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, Burgers and able to communicate in all three languages. Charter President PDP Leo-Lion S.Vijayapala’s theme for the year is ‘Communication is vital’ to make PEACE in Sri Lanka through better communication. Charter President has a vast experience in the Leo and Lions movement and his Leo service all to gather his 17 years of Lionistic carrier with Leo Lions Club of Colombo Millennium. Leo products from Thalapathpitiya and St.Clare’s College LeoLion Derrick and Leo Lion Manohari Lankeshwara were appointed as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. All the 32 experienced Leo leaders are inducted as Board of Directors and all the members as directors are involve in decision making. On the day of inauguration itself the club published their colour-ful Club Directory and scheduled all the meetings and projects for the whole year 2006/07. District Governor Lion Lasantha Gunawardena MJF inducted the 32 Leos as Lions and Vice District Governor Lion Priyantha Beddawithana installed all the members as Board of Directors. The Charter certificate was handed over to the Charter President by the International President Jimmy Rose on 26th November 2006 at BMICH. The registration number of the club is 97867 and officially registered on 25th October 2006 in the Lions International Registry.

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