Thursday, December 28, 2006

Entertainment Educational Book Donation

District 306 C2 Project - United Nations (UN) Day with children 2006

Lions International District 306 C2 and Lions Club of Colombo Millennium Leo jointly organized a major and continuous project on donating library books to the Children & Adolescent via Lions Clubs to mark the United Nations (UN) Day in 2006. In 1945 when the UN Charter was signed, Lions were present to witness that historic day. Since then that long outstanding partnership with the United Nations continues todate as we strive to meet the humanitarian needs of the world.
One million rupees worth of Meena comic were donated by UNICEF to effectively disseminate the Meena programme in Sri Lanka. The Meena comic books are well tested in all South Asian countries and targeted the Children and Adolescents in the world to educate them on Life Skill Based Education (LSBE) and child rights. It is an Entertainment Education package as a supplementary reading material which can be used in all educational points like schools, libraries etc. This project was officially launched in Eastern province Lions Club by our District Governor during his official visit in each Lions Club in Eastern Province in various functions on 4th, 3rd and 5th November 2006. Also another launch was organized in Colombo to mark our Lions International President Lion Jimmy M Ross MJF visit in Sri Lanka on 26th November 2006 at BMICH, but due to the tight schedule the Colombo launch was diverted and the following books were directly delivered to all Lions Club in the island. These books are available in all South Asian countries and sale value of each book is US$ 10.
Count your Chickens, Girl’s access to education
· Dividing the Mango, Equality in nutrition and workload
· Who’s Afraid of the Bully, Resisting teasing of girls by boys
· Meena’s Three Wishes, Water, sanitation, and hygiene education
· Take Care of Girls, Equal access of girls’ to health care
· Strangers in the Village, Dealing with differences, especially in managing conflict situations
· Health in Your Hands, Hand washing and hygiene practices
· Safe from Worms, Prevention of work infestation
· Life Has Changed, Psychosocial healing and support of children in post natural disaster and any tragic situation

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