Thursday, December 14, 2006

Biographical sketch of Charter President PDP Lion Sinnathamby Vijayapala

Lion Sinnathamby Vijayapala joined the Leo movement in 1991 at Leo Club of Batticaloa. He was the Secretary in 1995/96 and he won the most outstanding Leo Club Secretary Winner award in District 306C, and runner-up award in Multiple District. He received the Lion & Leo President’s appreciation award too in the same year.

He was elected Batticaloa Leo Club President in 1997/98 and entered into the District Council 306C as a Regional Director. Also he was appointed as a Multiple Treasurer and Chief Co-ordinator for the Multiple District in 1997/98. In the history of the Batticaloa Leo Club, he is the first Leo who won the individual award and held a post in Multiple Council. In the ninth Leo District conference he won the Best President award, Most outstanding Regional Director Winner award and Leo of the Year Winner award in District Council 306 C. In his President-ship the Leo Club of Batticaloa won the Most outstanding club award in the District for the third consecutive year. And also he won the 100% Leo President Award from Lions Clubs International-USA.

Lion Sinnathamby Vijayapala was unanimously selected as a DISTRICT PRESIDENT in the ninth annual conference and installed by Past District Governor Lion Shirely Tissere. In his period he reactivates the defunct Leo Clubs and formed new Clubs in the District. For this great well done job he received the special Leo club reactivation award from the District Governor Lion WMS Wijesundera MJF. And he won the New Club formation award from Lions Clubs International-USA. In this 1998/99 year’s Lions International Conference in USA he won the Leo of the year (LEO-LOY) International GOLD MEDAL award. This is the highest Leo award in the world and among 150,000 leos he is the only Asian received this highest award for his service.

He retired from the Leo movement in 2002 and entered the Lions movement in 2002/2003. He was inducted as a Charter member of Lions Club of Colombo Mid Circle and installed as Charter Vice President of Lions Club of Colombo-Mid-Circle. He is a Leo Advisor of Leo Club of Lalith Athulathmudali College, Mount Lavinia from 2002/03 to date. He was the Advisor to Leo District President in Leo District Council 306 C2. In 2006/07 District Governor Lion Lasantha Gunawardana MJF appointed as a District Chairman for work with UN & other NGOs.

Lion Vijayapala completed his Masters Degree (MBA) on Commonwealth Executive Master of Business Administration in Commonwealth University, Canada and completed his Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. He successfully completed his primary and secondary education at R.K.M Vivekananda Vidyalaya and R.K.M Shivananda National School respectively in Batticaloa. He got the G.C.E (A/L) best result for his school with the second rank in Batticaloa District in 1991.

Lion Vijay was the President of Batticaloa District Undergraduates Association, President of Eastern University Students Association, and Faculty board student representative of Faculty of Commerce & Management, Eastern University.

Lion Sinnathamby Vijayapala professionally qualified and holds Memberships in;
Fellow of International Association of Book Keepers, United Kingdom (FIAB)
Member of Association of Accounting Technicians, Sri Lanka (MAAT)
Licentiate of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (LICA)
Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (HNDA)
And also he has completed numerous courses in the field of management, administration, accountancy and NGO sectors in Sri Lanka and abroad.

Lion Vijay rented his profession too to the service sector. He has rendered his dedicated service to our needy people in Sri Lankan via FORUT-Norway, CARE International-U.S.A, and Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (CHA). Presently he is a Programme Communication Specialist in United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) Colombo, Sri Lanka. He has trained more than 3000 youths in North & East under the community service development. He is a visiting Lecturer of Open University, Management Department and rendering his capacity building in Nawala and Kandy regional study centres.

He is the second son of Mr & Mrs Sinnathamby Rajaluxmy family. His father and brother are professionals in photography from 1950s at New Batticaloa Photos. He married Lionlady Sashikala and got a baby boy Haresvaraa on 26th March 2007.

We welcome our Charter President Lion Sinnathamby Vijayapala with his 17 years service to our newly installed Lions Club of Colombo Millennium Leo 306 C2.

Presently he is holding the following responsibilities in Leo & Lion movements in Sri Lanka:
01. Leo Advisor-Leo Club of Lalith Athulathmudali College, Mount Lavania
02. Leo Advisor-Leo Club of Sri Dharmarama Maha Vidyalaya, Ratmalana

01. Advisor to the District President 306 C2

01. Charter President-Lions Club of Colombo Millennium Leo
02. Charter Chairman-Lions Club of Batticaloa Singingfish Leo
03. Charter Chairman-Lions Club of Kottawa Millennium
04. Guiding Lion-Lions Club of Batticaloa Singingfish Leo
05. Guiding Lion-Lions Club of Eastern University Campus
06. Guiding Lion-Lions Club of Kottawa Millennium

01. District Chairman-Working with UN and other NGOs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always like this is type of article. Thank you.