Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Collective FunRaising Project

Our Club jointly organized a collective fund raising programme with Leo District Council 306 C2 to increase Leo club fund.
40% of the total fund will be reserve to each Leo Club to carry out their routine projects. 10% of the money will transfer to Leo District Council for the Council conferance.
Please contact Lion Vijay 0777-577788 to collect ticket books

Installation Ceremony 2008/09

Our club proudly installed the new board for the Lionistic year 2008/09 on 31st August 2008 at 02.00 pm Nugegoda Club House, School Lane, Nawala. Zone Chairman Lion Indaka Kuregama MJF was the Chief Guest and Regional Cabinet Secretary Lion Jayalath was the Guest of Honour. Region 11 Zone Chairman Lion Asela Karunawardena MJF also participated in this grant function.
Zone Chairman paid his official visit to the club and Lion Asela has given the first orientation to the new propective Lions.
Charter President Lion Sinnathamby Vijayapala, Lion Manohara Lankeswara Mendis and Lion Chaminda Sarath Withana were installed as PRESIDENT, SECRETARY and TREASURER respectively. Lion Jayalath installedf the new key office bearers.
All the best