Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Collective FunRaising Project

Our Club jointly organized a collective fund raising programme with Leo District Council 306 C2 to increase Leo club fund.
40% of the total fund will be reserve to each Leo Club to carry out their routine projects. 10% of the money will transfer to Leo District Council for the Council conferance.
Please contact Lion Vijay 0777-577788 to collect ticket books

Installation Ceremony 2008/09

Our club proudly installed the new board for the Lionistic year 2008/09 on 31st August 2008 at 02.00 pm Nugegoda Club House, School Lane, Nawala. Zone Chairman Lion Indaka Kuregama MJF was the Chief Guest and Regional Cabinet Secretary Lion Jayalath was the Guest of Honour. Region 11 Zone Chairman Lion Asela Karunawardena MJF also participated in this grant function.
Zone Chairman paid his official visit to the club and Lion Asela has given the first orientation to the new propective Lions.
Charter President Lion Sinnathamby Vijayapala, Lion Manohara Lankeswara Mendis and Lion Chaminda Sarath Withana were installed as PRESIDENT, SECRETARY and TREASURER respectively. Lion Jayalath installedf the new key office bearers.
All the best

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Multi service Heath camp project-Ratmalana Dharmarama Pansala

With the request of Sri Dharmrama Maha Vidyalaya & Buddhist temple, Lions Club of Colombo Millennium Leo organized a MULTI SERVICE HEALTH CAMP on 24th February 2008 at Sri Dharmarama Buddhist Templr from 09.00 am to 03.00 pm. Leo Club of Sri Dharmarama Maha Vidyalaya has done the publicity and ground work to make this project as successful. Lions Club of Nugegoda Central and their family club provided the Medical Doctors and medicine to execute the major project. Sri Dharmarama Maha Vidyalaya and Lalith Athulathmudali College students, Ratmalana-Mount Lavinia area community and Police Officers and family members of Mount lavinia Police station participated as beneficiaries.

Around 700 participants participated in this multi service health camp and Lions Club of Colombo Millennium Leo provided morning meal and refreshments to all participants. There was a Dental camp, Eye testing, ENT clinic, 5 General physicians and a fully occupied pharmacy to cater the need of the community and police officers. Doctors meals and refreshments too provided by Lions Club of Colombo Millennium Leo.

This major and very much needful project was appreciated by Buddhist priest of Sri Dharmarama Maha Vidyalaya, OIC of Mount Lavinia Police station, Principals of Sri Dharmarama Maha Vidyalaya & Lalith Athulathmudali College and the community.

The total credit of this successful project goes to Vice Governor Lion Buddhini DeZ Gunasekera MJF, Lion S.Vijayapala, Lion Chaminda Withana, Lion Manohari, Teacher Mrs.Mendis, Doctors from Nugegoda/Nugegoda Central Lions Club and Leos.

Entertainment Educational Book Donation

Lions International District 306 C2, United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and Lions Club of Colombo Millennium Leo jointly organized a major and continuous project on donating library books to the Children & Adolescent via Lions Clubs to mark the United Nations (UN) Day in 2006. In 1945 when the UN Charter was signed, Lions were present to witness that historic day. Since then that long outstanding partnership with the United Nations continues todate as we strive to meet the humanitarian needs of the world.
One million rupees worth of Meena comic were donated by UNICEF to effectively disseminate the Meena programme in Sri Lanka. The Meena comic books are well tested in all South Asian countries and targeted the Children and Adolescents in the world to educate them on Life Skill Based Education (LSBE) and child rights. It is an Entertainment Education package as a supplementary reading material which can be used in all educational points like schools, libraries etc. This project was officially launched at Lions Club of Hatton by Vice District Governor during his official visit. During the Lionsitic year 2007/08 we have donated 1 million rupees worth of books, animated films and entertainment materials were given to various Lions Clubs in all over the part of Sri Lanka including the following Lions Clubs
• Leo District Council 306C2 - 25 set of Library books donated to Children homes, children libraries and schools
• Lions Club of Thalapathpitiya - 750 Educational books donated to Children homes, children libraries and schools in an affected area of Seruwila (Trincomalee District, Eastern Province)
• Lions Club of Colombo Mid City - 250 Educational books donated to distribute among children in Panandura during their multi service project and Lion Wasantha Wettasinghe was coordinated this project
• Lion Tony Dharmawardena- 150 books donated
• Lions Club of Hatton – 250 sets of books, 100 animated videos and entertainment educational materials
• Lion Gamini Jayasinghe – 100 books
• Lion Thilak Perera – 100 books
• Ratmalana Hindu College/Sakthy children home – 250 books
These books are available in all South Asian countries and sale value of each book is US$ 10. We have already distributed more than 1 million worth of books in all over the part of Sri Lanka in all three languages.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Educational Project-04

250 Educational books donated to Lions Club of Colombo Mid City to distribute among children in Panandura during their multi service project. Lion Wasantha Wettasinghe is co-ordinating this task

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Educational book donation-Joint project 03

750 Educational books donated to Children homes, children libraries and schools in an affected area of Seruwila (Trincomalee District, Eastern Province) through Lions Club of Thalapathpitiya

Christmas & New Year party 2008 and Farewell

Educational book donation-Joint project 02

25 set of Library books donated to Children homes, children libraries and schools through Leo District Council 306C2

Educational book donation-Joint project 01

150 books donated to the needy people through Lion Tony Dharmawardena

Educational Scholarship grant

Our club sponsored a student who is living under povertyline and got the high scvore in G.C.E(A/L) to continue his higher studies. The scholorship granted for 5 years and monthly he will be able to withdrew money for his educational purposes.