Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lions Club Extension-Lions Club of Kottawa Millennium

We made another effort to produce our second child. Lion Chaminda was the father of this second child, Lions Club of Kottawa Millennium. Lions Club of Kottawa Millennium was extended by our club on 20th March 2007.

Day with tsunami affected orphanage children - Street children programme with Worldvision

We organized a spend a day programme with a orphanage children home in Dehiwela. There are 52 girl and boy children maintained by World vision organization. Based on their request our lions arranged a full day prograame with Lions family and took them to the Dehiwela zoological garden.
We provided transport, lunch, refreshments, stationary items, supplementary reading books to the children and spend the full day with the children with lot of fun activities. Lion Assely is the project chairman and the project date is 17th March 2007.

Day with Mentally handicapped children-Nugegoda

Lion Derick organized a day with mentally handicapped children at ‘The Colombo home for mentally handicapped children, High Level Road, Nugegoda on 13th January 2007. Our Lions conducted a cartoon film show in the evening to make them happy with play activities. Also we provided the dinner and sweet items like toffee, chocolate, apple, orange etc. Then we donated gift items with stationary, toys, cartoon books, etc to each children

Computer donation to Children homes

Lion Assley donated a computer to the Buddhist temple in Kaduwela on 10th March 2007 to provide computer skills to the poor children in Kaduwela area.

Day with Visually handicapped children-Batticaloa

We organized a spend a day with visually handicapped children home in Batticaloa. We have provided lunch to mark our Charter President’s elder sister’s 3rd death anniversary on 10th January 2007. This home situated in Kallady with 35 visually handicapped male & female children.

Membership retention Workshop and Year end party

Our Lions organized a get-to-gather with a great fun full day to retain the membership with the team sprit. District Governor was the chief guest and Vice Governor, Cabinet Secretary, Region Coordinator, Zone Chairman, Club Advisor also participated and graced the occasion. It was a colourful day with music, raffle draw, dance, songs and many more entertainments at our Secretariat, Dehiwela. Lion Roshantha and Lion Manohari are the project chairpersons.